LRS Applicants

LRS Application Procedure

The LRS application procedure is outlined below:

  1. Candidate requests a user login for username and password.
    Request User Login

  2. WVDEP issues a username and password on an application fee invoice.
  3. Candidate submits application and application fee.
    Complete Online Application

  4. WVDEP evaluates application upon receipt of application fee.
  5. Upon verification of qualifications, WVDEP notifies candidates of eligibility to take the LRS Examination with a testing fee invoice.

LRS Online Application

Applicants should refer to the LRS Program Guide for guidance on completing an application and an example of a well-documented application.  The online application may be completed at one time or over a period of time.  Information may be edited, added, or deleted until the application is officially submitted.

Potential applicants may view the online application prior to requesting a user login by following these directions:

  1. Click on the Complete Online Application link.
  2. Use the following credentials for access:
    • Username: TOUR
    • Password: GUIDE

LRS Examination

The Licensed Remediation Specialist Examination is administered twice annually, during the months of March and September, to all individuals who have submitted applications meeting the education and experience requirements for licensure, received notification of application approval, and submitted examination fees.

The Licensed Remediation Specialist Examination tests overall regulatory understanding of relevant state and federal regulations and related written policies, as well as overall technical understanding of basic concepts and methods in those scientific and technical fields related to assessment, containment, and remediation actions.

Candidates preparing to take the examination should refer to the LRS Program Guide for testing details, applicable topics, references, and sample questions.

Next Scheduled LRS Examination

Below are the details for the next scheduled Licensed Remediation Specialist Examination.

Date: September 24, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

WVDEP Charleston Office
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304

The deadline for submitting completed applications and payment for this examination is September 17, 2025.​